Power up!

Automate your marble track.

Tower up!

Higher, less parts, simple.

WARNING products contain 3D printed parts

3D printed items, including those used as toys, should be handled with care. Fragile components may break or shatter upon impact, posing a risk of injury.

Always supervise children during play, and educate them on the importance of gentle handling.

Avoid exposing 3D printed toys to excessive heat, direct sunlight, or harsh chemicals to ensure both the longevity of the items and the safety of those using them.



Learn more by reading the answers on the questions asked by my customers.
1What is 3D printing?

3D printed items are objects created through a process known as 3D printing or additive manufacturing. In this manufacturing technique, a three-dimensional object is created layer by layer from a digital model or computer-aided design (CAD) file. The process involves depositing material layer upon layer, with each layer bonding to the previous one, until the entire object is formed.

A variety of materials can be used for 3D printing, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and even certain types of food. The flexibility of 3D printing allows for the creation of a wide range of items, from simple prototypes and intricate models to functional tools and components. The technology is employed in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods. Additionally, it has gained popularity for creating customized products, such as personalized accessories, architectural models, and, as mentioned earlier, toys.

2Are the products useable in normal day life?

Yes, 3D printed products are indeed usable in normal day-to-day life. The versatility of 3D printing technology allows for the production of a wide range of functional and practical items that people can incorporate into their daily routines.

While 3D printed products are increasingly integrated into everyday life, it's important to note that the suitability of a 3D printed item depends on the material used, the printing process, and the intended application. Some items may be more decorative or experimental.

3Do you design your products yourself?

Yes, all of my products are entirely designed by me. Most products result from multiple iterations, offered for free use on Thingiverse and Printables. As a result, they have been thoroughly tested. The latest versions I am currently selling include new functionality and incorporate all the feedback I have gathered, making them the best versions to date.